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J a c k

Imagining a wrong thought right then blaming  life for the resulting conflict is how thinking obsessively tries to escape responsibility. Trying to feel better or get over this approach maintains the conflict and so the effects get worse as it grows. Repeating this has life seem impossible while the responsibility rests solely with the thinker’s choice. 

Facing the facts, thirty-six sober years ago, once symptom-free, it became clear that a self-inflicted inner-conflicted anxious mental state existed well before my first drink or drug or any of the many other compulsive behaviors developed as alleged escape routes - that always, like any lie, bound to fail.

Obsessive thinking is a human problem leading to reactive, impulsive, and compulsive behaviors. Addiction is a mental problem and my pledge is to discuss this plague openly and honestly as a chance to unravel what only seems to be an impossible mystery.