Mental Obsession Discussion / Emotional Sobriety / Spiritual Malady
Our discussion is not partisan or an academic or scientific thesis, medical diagnosis, prognosis, philosophy, prescription, discipline, or treatment. Based on experience we do not propose or oppose any person, place, or thing: real or imagined - nor is our discourse promoting rituals or any religious service.
Listening is a demonstration of interest and not a replacement for taking direction from responsible parties you rely on or are under the care of including professionals.
Consideration is a contemplative awakened meditation. An Absolute State of Knowing Awareness is simple as it does not change. To think thoughts can change nature’s essence is a mistake we are free to make. Mental disorders like anxious disorders reflect this form of thought. Shrinking from rather than facing backward choices increases their dramatic impact. Insisting on resisting mental effects creates pressure that is depressing - insuring they persist.
We Know We Know and are Aware We are Aware. There is no wrong, fight, fear, lies, ego or insanity in Truth as Reality. Our natural Essence is essential and how we know so well when something’s wrong. Anxiety is stress from thoughts under pressure. Pain is evidence something’s wrong. Trying to feel better about or get over reactive, impulsive or compulsive urges makes matters worse. Obsessive thoughts are sick choices we can think condemn us. Choices are the will to want. The right to freely think does not make what we think right. Like them or not consequences reflect our thoughts as a mirror reflects images.
Talking and thinking to our thoughts creates more thoughts thinking of themselves - not our self. Thinking defines what we think not who or what we are. Choices to think are actions we take, something we do. We cannot be what we do even while imagining thoughts are true and create “our own” reality.
To any degree untrue thoughts are believed true we lie and manifest unhealthy, ill-at-ease, inner-conflicted emotional turmoil. Lies effects will appear to happen to us whenever we irresponsibly act like we have nothing to do with them. Feeling lonely is an accurate assessment of disconnected, baseless thinking. To think we have no choice is the suicidal death wish there is nothing we can do about them - as though we don’t exist. To create a cause and deny the effect is how the vicious mental cycle of obsessive thoughts - central to all symptomatic addictions as compulsive behaviors - chronically restarts.
I'm no Einstein, but Albert was and along with many other notables he said: “You cannot fix a problem with the same thinking that created it.”
Symptomatic recovery does not cure the obsessive mental illness - it clears the looking glass so the problem can be seen. Emotional sobriety is sane living. Wrong as wrong is right. Resting in Peace on earth does not require we first be buried in it.
Little, if any, belief, faith, hope, or trust in what is Absolute is required since any reliance on the stability of Reality is confirmed as applied now. Awe and inspiration are the actualization and realization that all that is possible is happening here, now, for all that is and all that are - always in all ways.
Thoughts naturally align with our knowing awareness even while the obsession to pretend, they won’t and don’t, seems to consume our thinking’s attention. Stability like serenity is assured to express the abundance of our essential loving essence. This assurance remains even when we feel lost in tangled thoughts thinking otherwise. Think about That.
Knowing’s nature is Absolute - it is neither negotiable, occasional or optional.
There is no doubt where there is no question.
Sanity is the natural human state of thought as a product of Truth as Reality.
Mental Obsession Discussion / Emotional Sobriety / Spiritual Malady
MOD episodes have no shelf-life or expiration date. Our focus is principled so each episode reflects the immediate peace and stability of our Ever-Present Knowing Awareness that clarifies conflicted impressions manifest by the instability and hyper-reactivity of obsessive thoughts that are purely “imagined reality” so that sleepwalking seems normal while it is an altered dysfunctional state of human functional capacity. Absolute States reveal the objective nature of words encompassing the entire breadth of our human experience. Still does not change and like the Present Still remains.
Functional literacy is determined by how well we read our body language. Human functional capacity is fulfilled by how well we respond to this internal guidance system. Trying to feel better about what is wrong is a choice to pretend this language is foreign so we can’t, won’t and don’t understand it. The attempt to reverse nature’s order creates systemic disorders and collectively creates social disorder. Lies have no basis in reality and so have no effective purpose or applicable use beyond the opportunity misery and frustration offer to concede Life’s Terms, the Nature of our seemingly limited expanding relative universe and actual Reality.
Shadows of doubt reveal how we can imagine our thinking is so great that what matters can obstruct the nature’s shadowless Light. Our choices have no impact on Reality, Truth or Life while they dramatically effect the experience of our mentality and the outward dysfunctional and conflicted actions we choose to take.
Feeling better is getting better at feeling our feelings. To think fire won’t burn had no effect on fire while it subjects the wrong thinker about it to how it operates. Life is no different since Life is the basis for any and all forms of existence. Feeling wrong is indicates something is wrong and since all voluntary actions that manifest our circumstance and experience start with a thought it is how we think that we feel, primarily. To think wrong is to feel wrong and aligning these is right. Imagining the illusion of thought as reality is delusional and induced insanity.
Emotional sobriety is sane living - trying to manage induced insanity is to further induce insanity.
Addiction is a lie and all forms of fractured states of devolved, depraved, perversions of thought naturally follow this unnatural path. Lies last only as long as their teller insists on maintaining them. They have no other source than the freedom we each have to think what and how we want. Turning this absolute freedom into contempt is a clear conflict that comes with a clear sense of feeling condemned, alone and disconnected.
Consider these things above and below then listen in and listen up
We Know We Know.
We Are Aware We Are Aware.
We Are as We Are.
Reality is unlimited and never changes. The idea that how and what we think creates reality suggests otherwise. Acting on backward thoughts leads to behaviors that are out of order. Anxious and systemic disorders reflect this impossible attempt to reverse the Laws of the universe that govern nature’s order. Disease is the lack of ease created and maintained by such twisted mental acrobatics.
Principles affirm our indivisible nature. Sharing principles affirms and confirms our indivisibility. We can choose desperation or Inspiration. Absolute Intelligence is our Knowing nature. Ignoring what is happening produces unintelligible ignorance - not reality.