Mental Obsession Discussion / Emotional Sobriety / Spiritual Malady


- We Know Jack.

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MOD episodes have no shelf-life or expiration date.  Our focus is principled so each episode reflects the immediate peace and stability of our Ever-Present Knowing Awareness that clarifies conflicted impressions manifest by the instability and hyper-reactivity of obsessive thoughts purely induced, “imagined reality”.  When sleepwalking seems normal it is still an altered dysfunctional state of thinking’s use that causes our functional incapacity and consequential sense of worthlessness reflecting the devaluation of our culpability. 

Think of the description of a (cancer) cell below as identical to the ego / false self that only appears or seems to exist in thought, stuck in a supposed cell of thought, thinking of itself; written by Dr. Zach Bush: 

“A single cell forgets its voice and ceases to speak to its neighbors, loses its sense of belonging, and mistakes isolation for survival. Convinced it must act alone, it begins to hoard resources, reproducing without harmony, building a community of disconnection we call a tumor. Cancer, then, is not simply a disease—it is a story about miscommunication, about what happens when any living thing loses its place in the greater whole. Step back, and it’s hard not to see the same pattern unfolding around us. We are a species untethered.  Cities rise while ecosystems crumble.  Communities fracture. 

We pour our time and attention into screens, constructing intricate digital lives while our real connections wither. Somewhere along the way, like that single cell, we’ve forgotten our voice in the chorus. But every breakdown carries within it the seeds of breakthrough. A cell losing its way reveals how essential communication and connection truly are. A human culture consumed by disconnection offers a chance to rediscover what we’ve left behind—not just repair, but evolution.

Cancer asks something of us that extends beyond the body. It’s a reminder to stop asking, “How do we fight this?” and start asking, “What is this teaching us?” Healing is not war. It’s collaboration. And every layer of life—biological, personal, planetary—thrives not in isolation but in relationships. So where do we begin? Not with grand gestures or perfect solutions, but by re-learning the language of life. The language of reciprocity. Of listening. Of asking, not what we can take, but what we can contribute. It begins with small acts: tending the soil beneath our feet, noticing the quiet patterns within us, and allowing space for connection to unfold—with ourselves, with one another, and with the world around us.

A cancer cell doesn’t know it’s disconnected. It just survives. But we are capable of something greater. We can notice. We can choose. We can change. This is not the story of a disease; it is the story of our moment in evolution. Cancer, then, is not simply a disease—it is a story about miscommunication, about what happens when any living thing loses its place in the greater whole. Step back, and it’s hard not to see the same pattern unfolding."

We Know We Know.
We Are Aware We Are Aware.
We Are as We Are.

Reality is unlimited and never changes. The idea that how and what we think creates reality suggests otherwise. Acting on backward thoughts leads to behaviors that are out of order. Anxious and systemic disorders reflect this impossible attempt to reverse the Laws of the universe that govern nature’s order. Disease is the lack of ease created and maintained by such twisted mental acrobatics.

Principles affirm our indivisible nature. Sharing principles affirms and confirms our indivisibility. We can choose desperation or Inspiration. Absolute Intelligence is our Knowing nature. Ignoring what is happening produces unintelligible ignorance - not reality.

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