Mental Obsession Discussion / Emotional Sobriety / Spiritual Malady


- We Know Jack.

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Talk is cheap since there is a lot of it. Nutritious food for thought nourishes our lifeform's capacity through mental health.  We can stabilize our thoughts naturally or choose to destabilize them unnaturally. Nature is natural - and no surprise.   Greed, spite, envy, fear and hatred are the nature of obsessive thinking, which is not healthy human nature.   

Our discussion is simple : Try, Rely, and Apply. There is no belief, faith, hope or conclusion in consideration. Any difference between doubt and certainty or desperation and inspiration is determined by how well or poorly thoughts are aligned with all that exists and all that is happening, which includes all that we are doing - NOW.  

Nowhere is NOW-HERE. There is no time like the present since there is no time to like or dislike Presently. Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence cannot be dislodged, misplaced, or replaced by thoughts of time or space. 

Here We Are: wholly, completely, and without exception or negotiation even while we can freely choose to think otherwise and thus feel unwise, and useless. 

Intuition is knowledge beyond reason, which means Knowing is not thought-based. Intuition is Wisdom that Is All Knowing Ever Present Inspiration. Essence is essential and thus The Source of All That Are seamlessly melded with All That Is NOW. 

Our discussion is not about infertile mass-debating or coming to new echoes of chronic thoughtless terms but conceding Life’s terms are currently in perfect order and place. That this is happening is very different than asking why, where, when, what, and how things happen.  That IT IS, is stable As IT IS, since what is not in question has no doubt. Pain monitors what is wrong - to misread its cues is to ask for and receive more troubling news. 

We Know We Know.
We Are Aware We Are Aware.
We Are as We Are.

Reality is unlimited and never changes. The idea that how and what we think creates reality suggests otherwise. Acting on backward thoughts leads to behaviors that are out of order. Anxious and systemic disorders reflect this impossible attempt to reverse the Laws of the universe that govern nature’s order. Disease is the lack of ease created and maintained by such twisted mental acrobatics.

Principles affirm our indivisible nature. Sharing principles affirms and confirms our indivisibility. We can choose desperation or Inspiration. Absolute Intelligence is our Knowing nature. Ignoring what is happening produces unintelligible ignorance - not reality.

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