Mental Obsession Discussion / Emotional Sobriety / Spiritual Malady


- We Know Jack.

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To think things can’t or shouldn’t be happening is to think wrongly about all that is happening. Whether what is happening should be happening is irrelevant to the fact That it is always happening as it is happening Now Where We Are. Start here and the variables of what you’d like to have happen will be stabilized by the certainty of everything happening. Mistaking, misappropriating, and misusing thoughts lead to misguided actions - and the vain claim we "had nothing to do with it". 

Our discussion is not about the infertility of mass-debation or coming to new echoes of chronic thoughtless terms but conceding Life’s terms are currently in perfect order and place. That what is happening is happening is very different than asking why, where, when, what, and how things happening could or should possibly be happening.  Witnessing something happen and then thinking it is unbelievable is an indication of how flimsy belief is since it is a product of thought; that is so flexible as to allow us to misuse it in our experience and then blame and abuse others for what they think with little or no reluctance at all.  

That IT IS, is stable As IT IS, since what is not in question is certain, having no doubt. Pain monitors what is wrong - to misread its cues is to ask for and receive more troubling news. Functional literacy accurately reads our body language - assigning feelings to how and what we are thinking about what is happening - not who we are but what and how we utilize thought; as something we do.  We cannot be what we do any more than we become a foot arm or leg by thinking about them. 

We do not struggle with Life, Love, or Reality - we struggle with what we think about IT, and whether we like or dislike what we think.  

We Know We Know.
We Are Aware We Are Aware.
We Are as We Are.

Reality is unlimited and never changes. The idea that how and what we think creates reality suggests otherwise. Acting on backward thoughts leads to behaviors that are out of order. Anxious and systemic disorders reflect this impossible attempt to reverse the Laws of the universe that govern nature’s order. Disease is the lack of ease created and maintained by such twisted mental acrobatics.

Principles affirm our indivisible nature. Sharing principles affirms and confirms our indivisibility. We can choose desperation or Inspiration. Absolute Intelligence is our Knowing nature. Ignoring what is happening produces unintelligible ignorance - not reality.

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